[WN] - This is the third time in a row that a lunar eclipse will take place this year. The first lunar eclipse of 2020 occurred January 10 and the second one was June 5. 

Now, the third will occur on July 5. A lunar eclipse is also known as ‘Chandra Grahan’ in India. This lunar eclipse, July 5, will be the third lunar eclipse of the year 2020. 

However, the eclipse will not be visible in India but can be seen in South/West Europe, much of Africa, much of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Antarctica.

Hence, the steak period of the eclipse here will not be effective. The eclipse will start at 08:37:23 pm Indian Standard Time (IST) and conclude at 11:22:21

The sutak period during an eclipse is an inauspicious time. During this, auspicious actions are not held. There is a halt in worship. During this time the doors of the temples are closed. Other types of caution are also required in the eclipse period.

Let’s know what should be kept in mind during the eclipse and what should be done. Take these precautions during the eclipse:
  • The idol of God should not be touched during and until the eclipse is over.
  • The doors of the temples should be closed. So that effect of the eclipse will not affect God.
  • During the eclipse, pregnant women should neither watch the eclipse nor should step outside the house.
  • Having a physical relationship during an eclipse has a bad effect on the child during pregnancy.
  • The most negative forces dominate during sutak and during the eclipse. One should never go to the crematorium during the eclipse.
  • Any auspicious work of any kind should be avoided during sutak period.
  • Cutting of hair and nails should be avoided during the eclipse.
  • Apart from this, neither should eat nor should cook.
Works can be done
  • During the lunar eclipse, chants related to the moon should be chanted.
  • After the eclipse is over, bathe wear new clothes and then some charity should be done. Then we start doing some other work.
  • After the eclipse is over, Sprinkle Ganga water in the whole house for purification.
  • At the end of the eclipse, worship and donate in a temple.
  • It is also believed that feeding bread to the cow at the end of the eclipse gives good fruit.